Trekking Barris

Monday, June 05, 2017

Quick visit with Kiki

My sister-in-law is the best!  She came to pick me up at Notre Dame (from Detroit) and drive me to my training in Dayton just to be able to spend time with me!  And so I didn't have to take a bus since my renewed license didn't arrive in Japan before my departure. 

It was awesome to get to catch up and we chatted the entire way.  She's getting ready to move to Germany - we are super excited for her, and to visit!  She also took me to Target to buy things for the girls (one of the agreements of missing Morgan's actual birth day to attend my reunion), and to Dairy Queen!  Yum!  Love you Kiki.  Seeing you made the girls really wish they could have come on the trip.  XOXO


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