Trekking Barris

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

1st Day Kinder

Morgan started school the very next day after returning from Home Leave, and Bella the following week.  We met with Bella's teacher before she started and found out with the school construction project that Bella's kindergarten room is what used to be the high school Culture Room.  It's fabulous - huge, with kitchen, large windows and tatami room that they have as a reading corner.  Jeff and I were very impressed with the small class size - 14 kids plus a full-time helper, and computer station, plus a huge 'smart board'.  Morgan's classroom on the other hand is quite small, but fortunately her class is also small in numbers. 

Here are pictures from Morgan's first day and Bella's first day and first day riding the bus! 

Jeff's birthday was the first day of kindergarten for Bella.  We surprised him with a homemade upside down pineapple cake and the girls bought him an ice cream maker.  Yum!!!


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