Trekking Barris

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

Liz successfully escaped with a great swim, but then had technical difficulties on the bike.  In the end it was crossed off the bucket list and she has the t-shirt and medal!  Was a great weekend - just jam packed and a bit ambitious. 

The 3 G' (Grandma, Grandpa, Guiness (their dog)), plus 2 kiddos (Mo and Bella), a road bike, Liz and Jeff all loaded up in the mini-van on Friday.  After having to pull off the highway for forest fires, we finally made it to Maddie's house in Monterey about midnight.  The girls were up playing until 4 PM!  Morgan spent Sat night at Maddies - they went to the pool twice, Monterey Acquarium and Church - had a blast.  Sat night the rest of us drove up to SF. 

Sun AM was race day!  We ferried out to Alcatraz and on the way out I made a few friends which calmed the nerves.  Jumping off the Hornblower into 52 degree, shark infested, rough current water isn't exactly how I like to start my day.  There were woman there that had done it 7+ times so that was encouraging.  Plus once everyone started to go to the edge to jump off I was worried the boat might tip over!  It was amazing how far it leaned.  With a timing pad on the deck, once crossed, everyone wanted to quickly get in and move.  It was little motivational to jump rather than get pushed, and start swimming rather than get swum over. 

Yes - that's me waving!  :-) 

The swim itself wasn't bad at all.  The water wasn't as cold as I thought and I swam the 1.5 miles in 40 minutes feeling rested and energetic to complete the next two sections.  The rest of the race was a bit of disappointment with a flat tire, but not time to complain because after the race, we loaded up, drove to get Mo, and drove home.  Monday AM back at work!


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